
Ceramic honeycomb production line denitration introduction Oxynitride is one of main atmospheric pollutant, the source mainly from power plant, traffic sector and industrial sector, according to the statistic, the oxynitirde emission from power plant account of 40% of total country emission.It bring a series of problem such as increasing serious of haze weather, acid rain […]


Ceramic roller production line

Basic technological process for ceramic roller production line Raw material→ball mill→vibrating mesh→slurry pool→pneumatic diaphragm pump→iron remover→slurry pool→plunger pump→filter press→vacuum pug mill→homogenizing→vacuum extruding press→cutting-manpower fix drying car→dryer→chamber→firing→cutting pipes→stiletto ends and grinding→inspection-packing and warehousing S/N    Model                            Qty 01     Ball mill TQ-1                      3 Sets 02     Ball mill TQ-3                      2 Sets 03     Inspection machine                  1 Set 04     Screw mixer […]
